Monday, January 7, 2008

Thing Five

Thing Five - Create and Maintain a Teacher Web Page

When Leslie came to Humboldt for this tutorial, I was able to set up my page at This was something that was not only useful, but fun as well. I look forward to finding all of the ways to utilize my website. At the very least, it would be nice to have a stable of lesson plans and syllabi listed there. I am currently working on this; primarily working on getting as many of my materials as possible into digital form. I am concerned about the students that do not have access to a computer outside of school, but I can't think of a way to level that playing field. I have been offering extra-credit, casually, to students who show me a library card. As a part of one of the other Things, I think I am going to make a charge to getting all of my students cards. Then, at least, they will have access to some computers if necessary even though it will take effort.

By the way, a couple of students saw my web page nearly immediately after I set it up and were joking with me about my sushi phase. They also loved the photograph.

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