Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thing Twenty-Four

Thing Twenty-Four – Online Gaming

I was hoping to not have to admit this in a public forum, but I suppose it does let me check another “Thing” off of my list, but I have played online games for over a decade. I actually started casually back in college playing MUDs (Multiple User Domains) which were basically text-based role-playing games. I graduated to EverQuest in the late 90’s, which was like a dream come true at the time growing up a fantasy nerd like myself. It was still a very casual (play once a week, maybe, for an hour or two) until I turned my brother on to it as well. Since he and I weren’t particularly close at the time, this love of nerdy gaming was a great excuse for us to talk more often. This is actually a trend that continues today. We can’t play as often as we used to (at our height, I suppose we played ten to fifteen hours per week), but we still try to log on occasionally and game out a bit. It’s still a great excuse to keep in touch with him, and every time you log on, it’s a different experience, which never gets old either.

1 comment:

rekomili said...

He he he. Oh, McCloud.