Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thing Seventeen

Thing Seventeen – One New Thing

I thought I was being revolutionary with my research paper meets memoir idea, but I came to find out that it’s been done many times before under the name “I-Search.” So, I had to come up with another new thing. I think my use of the sixteen plagiarism proofing ideas from Doug Johnson has been novel and new. I had the students rank their top five most important things from this list and ended up tailoring their assignment around the five that, after tallying, ended up being the highest rated. I think that this, my lofty expectations of self-discipline and self-motivation, and the students’ ability to select their own topics have made them more invested in this assignment than any other we have done this year. They are also considerably out of their comfort zone, but I personally see that as a good thing.

1 comment:

Karen said...

This sounds like a great idea -- thanks for sharing!

I think it is interesting that choosing their own topics put them out of the comfort zone . . . probably an indication that this hasn't happened a lot throughout their schooling, eh? But I'm so glad you saw a benefit of increased investment.