Monday, February 11, 2008

Thing Sixteen

Thing Sixteen - Using MnLINK

I have used ILL in the past on many occassions, though I have never used MnLINK. While I was in college, I used ILL for research often and occassionally for fun as well. For instance, I went through a big 60's acid rock phase, but didn't want to actually go buy all of the albums. Instead, I borrowed them from the library and by the time they were due back, I was kind of over that phase anyway.

On a more academic note, I have found so many books I thought impossible to get to be available through ILL and have taken advantage of the service many times. I think that MnLINK could be helpful to my students, particularly once they start their research projects (starting March 10th, by the way). We have a good number of books at our school and we all know how much information is available on the internet, but to do actual in-depth research on something will require specialty texts which I doubt that we have or are available on the 'net. Given that it oftentimes does take a while for ILL to come through (at least, in my experience it did), if I get the students on the idea fast enough, many of them should get their books in time to use them on their papers.

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