Thursday, September 27, 2007

2nd Entry

I was able to administer the pre-test to my students this week and found some interesting results. They were a bit upset that Humboldt was not one of the options, but I explained that we joined MILI after the tests were already made. The students were confused by much of the pre-test, which I suppose is a good thing, as they have a lot to learn. On one hand, I see the opportunity to teach a large set of skills to them, and on the other, I see the possibility of them being overwhelmed. I know that some of my students are already quite a ways behind grade level in reading (either vocabulary, comprehension or both), and I will be interested to see if research skills will stick if they still struggle with understanding what it is that they will be researching. Not to give the impression that I have a negative outlook, quite the contrary. I am looking forward to utilizing the tools and strategies provided by MILI. I am also constantly concerned with my students' growth. Time will tell, I suppose.


rekomili said...

Well done, McCloud. Well done.

Linda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said...

Oops -- accidentally deleted my comment. I meant to edit it -- I wonder if there is a way to do that. Anyway, I wanted to say that you'll be amazed at how much the kids will learn by the end of the year, especially if they have more than one MILP teacher/LMS.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving the test. We've heard other comments similar to yours--not negative, but the acknowledgement that there is a lot to do.

That was a nice story about the "international" soccer team at Humboldt. Hope they go far!

lyoder said...

You won't be able to teach it all to them, but you can start the process by doing what you can within the possibilities of your area, hopefully, with our help. Remember that I am available to come and work with you.
